The Department of Public Works was created by Public Law 1-8 and is committed to provide efficient and reliable services by maintaining the public roadways, providing solid waste management, encouraging energy conservation, ensuring compliant construction and meeting the public works’ needs of residents and guest of the CNMI


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H: +82°
L: +81°
Friday, 18 August
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+82° +82° +82° +82° +82° +81°
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Challenges and Outlook:

The Department of Public Works continues to provide services that are critical to the health and wellbeing of the residence of the CNMI. We continue to construct, repair and maintain the infrastructure that are critical to ensure that the CNMI is an attractive investment location.  Ensuring that the CNMI maintains a quality level of public service remains our foremost goal especially now as we rebuild and become more resilient. Listed below are examples of projects and activities the Department of Public Works is working on.

Department of Public Works 
2nd Floor Joeten Commercial Center
Oleai Beach Road
Saipan, MP 96950
(670) 235-9570


Department of Public Works 
2nd Floor Joeten Commercial Center
Oleai Beach Road
Saipan, MP 96950
(670) 235-9570

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