Highway Office - About Us
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allocates an annual $3.9M CNMI’s Department of Public Works’ Technical Services Division-Highway Office to plan, design, construct improvements to Saipan, Tinian, and Rota’s designated Territorial Highway System. The CNMI is one of the of the US Pacific Territories that is overseen by FHWA-HI Division.
Stewardship and Oversight Agreement
The CNMI Government and the Federal Highway Administration entered into a stewardship agreement establishing the framework for the utilization of federal funds for Saipan, Tinian, and Rota roads identified as a part of the THS. The agreement established the funding, eligible activities for federal participation as well as the roles and responsibilities of the signatories to develop, operate and maintain a federally compliant roads program. The Department of Public Works (DPW) implements the program in accordance with FHWA requirements and CNMI regulations. The FHWA has oversight and approval authority for projects, documents, deliverables, procurements, contractor payments and other items relative to the operation of the program. This role significantly reduces the risk of non-compliance items that may not meet eligibility requirements for federal funding.
All expenditures from contractors to consultants and vendors require a concurrence or pre-approval before DPW enters into a contract or proceeds with the process of procurement, travel and any activity seeking a reimbursement from FHWA. FHWA releases funds to the CNMI Department of Public Works for payment to contractors and vendors on an invoice-by-invoice and reimbursement basis through vouchers under the Current Bill System. The Highway Office is subject to annual audits both conducted through the CNMI Government as by the FHWA-HI Division to ensure proper documentation of projects and expenditures.